Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Teddy 3: Orpanage Base

The urgent need to get some painting done pushed me towards purchasing a pre-sculpted insert: Malifaux's 50mm orphanage.
Primed it white and mostly did glazes to bring up the color. The wood was FolkArt Coffee Bean on some boards, and a combo of Coffee Bean and FolkArt Barn Wood on the others. I thinned out FolkArt Van Dyke Brown and used it as a wash on all the boards. Some got more than others so I could distinguish them as darker boards.
I thought the challenge was really going to be that slate with the chalk lines. But all I did was lay down a Medium Grey glaze and avoided where the chalklines were... And it looked okay for starters.

I almost exclusively use Terraclips at my gaming table, so I'm always concerned about color matching. So unfortunately the browns I chose have a reddish
 hue whereas Terraclips floors have more a dull grey in them. 

A litte wash of FolkArt Dark Grey on some of the boards help make the blend.

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